- This eco-friendly mower uses no gasoline or electricity. And like many eco-alternatives, it's good for your health. It provides a light workout, emits no noxious air into the environment (or your lungs) and presents no threat to your hearing. (Seriously, we've owned louder air conditioners than this). And because you control the speed, there's a reduced risk of sending a stray rock sailing into the air - or your head. After trying it out for myself, and watching Reed from the swing, I've designed the following criteria to help you decide if this mower may be for you:
You Should Seriously Consider this Mower If...
Well, there you have it ladies and gents! Below, see the link on the Fiskar's official website for more information about this mower. And best of all, I'm offering free trials for anyone who would like to come mow my lawn - we'll even throw in a glass of sweet tea or a bottle of beer! http://www2.fiskars.com/Products/Yard-and-Garden/Reel-Mowers/Momentum-Reel-Mower
- You are a woman. It weighs only 40 lbs - and it's adjustable handle bar is lower-able - designed with short people in mind! Also, there is no maddening pull-cord thing you have to call your husband over to yank for you. You walk, it starts. That simple.
- You want a work-out without the risk. The fact that it's manual does provide for a little resistance, but that's counterbalanced by it's light weight. Also, as I stated before, there's no fume inhalation at all. And it's so quiet, I can hear mockingbirds and robins singing over the whirring of the blades.
- You want to take another step towards eco-friendly home maintenance. For all the above reasons, this is the most eco friendly mower ever.
- You feel that you already spend enough on gasoline.
- You are entertained by simple things, such as a fountain of grass flying over wheels.
- You don't have much money to spend. You can get one on Amazon for $180.00 with free shipping....they might even send you two by mistake...
This Mower May Not Be for You If...
- Your yard is lumpy, bumpy, or hilly. It works great on mostly flat land, but I'm not so sure about a hillside.
- Your lawn is over 1/2 acre in size and you're lazy. Note that's an "and", not an "or". If you're lazy and your lawn is less than 1/2 acre - it's still no sweat. If you're lawn is up to a full 1 acre and you're like Reed and in pretty good physical shape and not lazy - you may even have fun.
- You'll get mad if it can't mow backwards. To me, that's not even close to a dealbreaker. But it is a fact - it can't mow backwards.
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ReplyDelete"fountain of grass flying over wheels"....lovely visual with this